Steven Antonoff
Marcus Aurelius
Roy Baumeister
Jonah Berger
Nathaniel Brandon
David Brooks
Benedict Carey
Dale Carnegie
Harvard Crimson
Stephen R. Covey
Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi
Jordan Ellenberger
Keith Ferrazzi
Edward B. Fiske
Roger Fisher & William Ury
Victoria Frankl
Ryan Holiday
Atul Gawande
Michael J. Geib
Malcolm Gladwell
Daniel Goleman
Howard Greene
Robert Greene
Gary Keller
Richard Koch
Steven Johnson
Robert Kiyosaki
Steven Kotler
Jim Lehrer & Tony Schwartz
Robin Mamlet
Kelly McGonigal
Cal Newport
Barbara Oakley
Jeff Olson
Barry Schwartz
Stoicism on the Shortness of Life
Thomas Stanley
Jacques Steinberg
Brian Tracy
Stephanie Weisman
Kay West